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Local - Swansea and the surrounding area

We are a company that loves to serve our local community. Almost all of our products are for local delivery only. We are based just north of Swansea, South Wales, and our maximum delivery radius is 30 miles from our logistics centre.

HIAB trailer for easy log delivery

Our HIAB trailer allows us to deliver firewood exactly where you want it. The crane allows us to get our jumbo bags up steps, over walls, down banks - essentially wherever you need them! This means no lugging logs from the kerbside. Our customers love it and we think it's pretty awesome too. See below for details on vehicle access.

Delivery time is typically 3-5 business days from the day you place your order. If you require Next Day Delivery, please contact us; we will try to help out (additional fees may apply).

We have five delivery radii:

  • 5 miles - £5
  • 10 miles - £10
  • 15 miles - £15
  • 20 miles - £20
  • 30 miles - £30

If you live outside the maximum 30 mile radius, we might still be able to deliver to you. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.

Delivery radii for Rooted Fire Fuel

View larger map

National - Crated logs only

Our log crates are available for nationwide delivery. The cost of delivery is included in the price. If you would also like to add some smaller items to your order, please give us a call to arrange this (this can't be done on the website at the moment).

Vehicle Access

Depending on the size of your order, the delivery vehicle will have certain access requirements. For most log deliveries, the following applies:

  • There must be sufficient width for a non-articulated truck.
  • The area should be free of obstacles.
  • It must be reasonably level.
  • For the use of hand trucks, the ground must be solid, not loose or soft.
  • Our HIAB trailer will deliver as close to your desired spot as possible.

Without sufficient access, delivery will be to the kerbside only.

Please advise us of any potential issues at the time of ordering.

We cannot deliver up flights of steps etc. We will deliver to the bottom of any steps; from there you can move the firewood or use our stacking service (see below)

Stacking Service

In the case of delivery being to a limited access/pavement drop off, you can use our stacking service. Our professional staff will carry the firewood from the drop location to and stack it in your chosen storage area. Our stacking service starts at £20. Please enquire for details.

Issues with your address when ordering

We're sorry that you are having problems ordering, it is an issue that we are aware of. Our system uses a third party data source to verify addresses, but if there is an error in that data source, it means the ordering is compromised.

It seems that some addresses have the incorrect postcode associated with them. The current workaround that we have found is as follows.

  1. Look up your home address using Google maps, but without using your postcode.
  2. If you see that Google maps uses an incorrect postcode, this is the postcode you need to use when ordering from us.
  3. Simply complete your order as normal, but using this incorrect postcode, and all should work fine.

When delivering, we always go by the house number rather than simply by postcode, and it seems that the error only ever points to a neighbouring postcode, so we'll always be in the right area.

Because we know that we are not the only company to use this data source, you may have other issues in the future. You are able to submit a data correction request to Google by following these instructions

If you have any further questions in the meantime, please don't hesitate to contact us.

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