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What's so great about Kiln Dried wood?

What's so great about Kiln Dried wood?

There is a lot of fuss about logs being "Kiln Dried" these days. What's all the noise about, and it is something you should consider?

First, a bit of background.

Freshly cut wood contains a lot of moisture. Cut a branch from a living tree and about 70% of its mass will be water. This makes it unsuitable for use as firewood until it has been subjected to a lengthy period of ‘seasoning’ during which time the moisture levels gradually reduce. This is not an exact science however and seasoning can be seriously affected by the inconsistencies of the weather and how the logs are stored and transported. Firewood sold as ‘seasoned’ often has moisture levels much higher than 20%. It can be difficult to light and produces a lot of smoke and soot that will damage your fireplace and chimney over time.

This is where kiln dried firewood offers a huge advantage. Rather than drying slowly outdoors, the wood is placed in specialised kilns that rapidly accelerate the drying process with a combination of heat and convection. The moisture content is scientifically measured and reduced to below 20%, which is considered the ideal threshold for burning in fireplaces and wood burning stoves. The logs that the kiln drying process produce are consistent in their quality through the year and can be used immediately, with no further drying required. Kiln dried logs are proven to be easier to light, produce more heat with less smoke, and ensure that your fireplace or stove operates safely and as efficiently as possible. If you have only ever used logs sold by supermarkets and petrol stations as ‘seasoned’ then kiln dried logs will be a revelation.

So, in a nutshell...

  1. It gets your fire going more quickly. Perfect for when you need fuel to burn immediately.
  2. It burns cleaner and with less smoke. Great for cooking with wood.
  3. It's cleaner to store. There's no bugs or other detritus that is likely to mess up your home.
  4. It cuts down on the particulate emission from your fire or stove.

Check out our range of Kiln Dried Firewood.

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